Chain Reaction: Where the Ride Begins, the Connection Follows

Chain Reaction: Where the Ride Begins, the Connection Follows

The first-ever Chain Reaction Singles Ride was a success, bringing together cyclists looking for more than just miles on the road. Hosted by Bici Bellas and Orion, this ride was all about connection—whether through a shared love for cycling, good conversation, or maybe even a little spark.

We kicked off the day at Navy Yard, rolling out at a chatty, social pace through Brooklyn before looping through Prospect Park. The energy was light, the vibes were good, and the conversations flowed as naturally as the ride itself. A mid-ride stop at Principles GI Coffee House gave everyone a chance to refuel, relax, and get to know each other off the bike. From there, we made our way to Strong Rope Brewery in Red Hook, where a well-earned drink and even more mingling awaited. To wrap up the ride, we held a raffle, giving away Orion prizes to a few lucky riders.

It felt like something the cycling community has been missing—a space where riders can connect beyond the usual group ride dynamic. And with the first one in the books, we’re already looking forward to the next. Once the weather cooperates, expect more opportunities to ride, meet new people, and keep the Chain Reaction going.

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